Building a Stock Investment Portfolio


Most people buy stocks to earn returns that are higher than what they would earn on fixed income or cash investments. However, owning stocks involves risk. Your company's stock may fail to perform well or the overall market may decline and take your stocks down with it. To reduce these risks and to try to maximize the returns on your stock investments, it makes sense to carefully build a portfolio of stocks carefully.

There are no guarantees with stock investing, but here are four issues to keep in mind:

  • What portion of your assets should be in stocks?
  • How many stocks should you own?
  • How do you choose the stocks to buy?
  • When should you buy them?

Building a stock portfolio takes time and effort. Do your homework and have a strategy. Even if you rely on an advisor, remember that it is your money and the future results will affect your future financial security.


Investment and Insurance products are not a deposit, not FDIC-insured, not guaranteed by TowneBank, not insured by any state or federal government agency, and may go down in value.

Only deposit products are FDIC insured.

The information provided is not intended to be legal, tax, or financial advice or recommendations for any specific individual, business, or circumstance. TowneBank cannot guarantee that it is accurate, up to date, or appropriate for your situation. Financial calculators are provided for illustrative purposes only. You are encouraged to consult with a qualified attorney or financial advisor to understand how the law applies to your particular circumstances or for financial information specific to your personal or business situation.

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