Microsoft Defender Scam

Tips to Protect Yourself in a Digital World
Imagine this: You're browsing the web, minding your own business, when suddenly, a wild popup appears! It's masquerading as a Microsoft Defender alert, and it looks legitimate. It even includes an audio message asking you not to restart your computer. Instead, it wants you to call "Microsoft" right away to fix the issue. But that number isn't for Microsoft; instead, it will go to a fraudster.

This is a classic scam that sneaks its way onto any website that's been compromised with adware. If you see it, the first thing you should do is select Ctrl + Alt + Delete and restart your computer. Once it comes back up, clear out your browser's cache, cookies, and history to make sure the ad doesn't overstay its welcome.

It's always a good idea to give your computer a quick health check after an encounter like that. Run a scan or contact an IT professional to make sure everything's in order.


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