Miscellaneous Services & Fees

Some services and fees vary by location and you may need to provide a zip code to view the correct information for your area. If you do not see a field to provide your zip code, we have already collected this information for you or you may need to agree to the cookies consent at the bottom of your screen to view the prompt.  

* On personal accounts, Overdraft Fees will not apply until one or more items cause your final daily balance to be overdrawn by more than $50.00. Overdraft Fees will be capped at 5 items per day.

The extended overdrawn account fee applies when your business account has been overdrawn for 5 consecutive business days and is assessed on the 5th business day.  This fee applies each 5th consecutive business day your account remains overdrawn and is in addition to any other applicable Overdraft Fees and Returned Item Fees. An extended Overdrawn account fee will not be triggered on business accounts if the overdrawn balance is $5 or less. You can avoid this fee by depositing enough available funds in your account to cover your overdraft (including any applicable fees that have accrued during this 5-day period).

Bank fees can cause your account to be overdrawn.

Miscellaneous Services & Fees apply to ALL TowneBank Personal and Business Accounts.

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