Electronic Direct Deposit for Payroll

Direct deposit is a secure and efficient payroll solution for businesses. This approach ensures timely and safe delivery of paychecks, eliminating the need for physical checks and the risks associated with them. Whether your business is big or small or what kind of work you do, we're here to help you find the perfect fit for your payroll needs.

Get Started  Find a Treasury Advisor

  • More Streamlined and Cost Effective Payroll Process

  • Minimizes Check Fraud and Identity Theft

  • Better Protection of Employee/Employer Account Information

  • Ensures Employees are Paid on Time

  • Good for the Environment

  • Reduce Mailing and Check Replacement Costs

Treasury Services

Optimize available cash positions, streamline account payables/receivables, and build automation and security into your transactions with Treasury Services from TowneBank.
Treasury Services

We're here to help! 

Get more information about payroll services by contacting a local treasury advisor. Let us know a time that is most convenient for you to connect.

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Help us to provide you with exquisite service and include any additional information about what you're looking for.

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