Thank you for reporting this information to us!
Your submission has been sent directly to our fraud and security teams for review.
If you provided any online banking credentials, we advise you to immediately call TowneBank Member Care:
Towne-Personal/Biz: 844-638-6714
Business Online Banking: 844-638-6724
Next Steps:
If you clicked any links or responded to spam messages you believe you received, we recommend the following actions:
- Contact all three credit bureaus (Transunion, Experian, and Equifax) to place a freeze on your profile.
- Change the passwords for your email, online banking, and social media accounts and enable two-factor authentication wherever possible.
- Do not provide any additional information to persons who call and ask you for account or online banking credentials. As a reminder, TowneBank will never ask you for account or online banking credentials over the phone, through email, or text messages.
- Call the phone numbers on the back of your debit and/or credit cards to report the incident. If necessary, ask for new cards with new numbers to be issued.
Sign up for text message and/or email alerts:
Towne-Personal/Biz Users
- Log into online banking, select ‘My settings’ in the upper right-hand corner
- Select 'Alerts and Notifications'
- Follow the on-screen instructions to enroll your mobile device and select the alerts you'd like to receive
Business Online Banking Users
- Log into Business Online Banking
- Select 'Alerts and Notifications' from the 'Additional Services' menu.
- Verify that we have your most recent contact information by selecting 'My Settings' from the top right-hand corner.
- Review your contact information and make any necessary changes to your email address.