Crisis Assistance Ministry
A Welcoming Place to Find Help

In 1975, a group of churches in Charlotte came together to create a centralized place for residents to receive emergency financial assistance. “We were a much smaller town then, so the area clergy could fit in one room,” says Carol Hardison, Crisis Assistance Ministry CEO. “Our agency became the one place people could go to for help, hope, and understanding. We have a collection of services to stabilize families facing a financial crisis.”
Those services include basic needs like emergency rent and utility assistance, clothing, household goods, and appliances. Those experiencing hunger have access to an onsite pantry and receive referrals to local food providers.
“Once the family is stabilized, we help them move toward self-sufficiency,” Carol says. “Our financial empowerment service empowers families to rebuild financial stability by introducing them to pathways to economic opportunity. Families work one-on-one with a specially trained caseworker to identify barriers to financial security and to set goals for the future.”
Last year, Crisis Assistance Ministry helped more than 18,000 families, totaling more than 40,000 adults and children. Forty-two percent of the people the organization serves are children. To increase awareness of the complex issues facing Charlotte residents living in poverty, Crisis Assistance Ministry has a civic engagement program. “In a vibrant city like Charlotte, it’s easy to overlook the fact that many are suffering,” Carol says. “Even families whose income is twice the Federal Poverty Level struggle to afford safe housing, reliable transportation, child care, utilities, food, and other necessities. An unexpected event such as an illness or job loss can send an accomplished person into a downward financial spiral.”

Crisis Assistance Ministry continues to serve as a one-stop shop for Mecklenburg County families facing poverty. Whether providing a coat to a woman who is homeless, a utility payment for a single father who is trying to keep his home warm, or rental assistance for a veteran who has fallen on hard times, Crisis Assistance Ministry preserves the dignity of area residents while preventing homelessness and eviction.
Before joining Crisis Assistance Ministry, Carol was working in the information technology department of a major company in Charlotte. She regularly donated clothing and finances to area nonprofits including Crisis Assistance Ministry. “I always knew that my corporate job wasn’t my life’s purpose,” Carol says. “I took a class to determine what track my life should be on and found my best career would be as the director of a nonprofit that helps people in poverty. A man in the class said he was on the board of directors for the largest social services agency in Charlotte – Crisis Assistance Ministry. The rest is history. That was 23 years ago when my life’s purpose became my career.”
The rewards of her career are many, Carol says. “Knowing that someone in our community is safe and warm and won’t be sleeping in their car. Neighbors who were struggling and fearful are now full of hope and comfort. That’s what I know when I walk out the door each day.”
Carol met TowneBank senior vice president and commercial banker Mike Wollinger through the Charlotte Rotary Club. “We were talking about working on community service projects and Mike said he would love to help us with our banking,” Carol says. “Our CFO had just started to look for a new bank, so the timing was perfect. We have really enjoyed our relationship with Towne.”
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