The Umbrella Center
Providing Shelter from Life's Storms

Mecklenburg County will soon welcome The Umbrella Center, a family justice center that will create a single point of access to offer comprehensive services for victims of interpersonal violence.
The organizations that will be located at the Umbrella Center include Safe Alliance and Pat’s Place Child Advocacy Center; social services and community services; Atrium Health to provide health services including forensic medical exams; and law enforcement partners including the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department, the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office, police departments from the six towns in Mecklenburg County, and the district attorney.
Laura Lawrence, president and CEO of Safe Alliance, speaks about the well-tested model of family justice centers, in practice for over 20 years and now counting more than 130 worldwide. “Recognized as a national best practice model, a family justice center builds collaboration among service providers who work to help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, or human trafficking. The goal is for a victim to come to one place to receive all of the services they need. The horrible reality is that a domestic violence victim potentially could have to travel to nine different locations, fill out 37 pieces of paperwork, and repeat their story 27 times. Many victims give up because it’s so difficult."

“At The Umbrella Center, a victim will meet with a navigator who will help them talk through the services they need. Those service providers then come and meet with them in the same space so they can receive help without having to travel all over the community,” Laura says.
The Umbrella Center spearheaded as a strategic campaign and fundraising effort of Safe Alliance and Pat’s Place, is scheduled to open in late 2025. “This will not just change the path for the victim; it will change how service providers get to do what we are trained for. Instead of a law enforcement officer having to address the needs of someone who has been displaced or needs food, our center will coordinate everything,” Laura says.
Safe Alliance began more than one hundred years ago in 1909. Today, the organization provides hope and healing for those impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault. Programs include:
- Domestic violence shelter: 90-100 victims and their families who are in imminent danger are housed safely every night.
- The Greater Charlotte Hope Line: 24-hour help for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault as well as those in need of parenting support. Highly trained advocates can help victims as well as friends and family members who want to learn what they can do.
- Sexual trauma resource center: The resource team will accompany victims to the hospital. Counselors are available for victims whether they were assaulted 30 years ago or more recently.
- Victim assistance court program: A legal team of attorneys and advocates helps victims with the civil and criminal process for no cost.
TowneBank is honored to support Safe Alliance, Pat’s Place, and The Umbrella Center. Will Bishop, senior vice president and commercial banker, is working closely with these organizations. “Will is an incredible partner and TowneBank has given us so much support,” Laura says. “Towne’s understanding of how nonprofits work – and their ongoing support – have been such a positive impact for us.”
For more information, visit and If you or anyone you know needs help, call the Greater Charlotte Hope Line at 981-771-HOPE (4673).
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