Turning Something Old into Something New
Raleigh Fabric and Design

That old chair in your living room that belonged to your grandmother? It doesn’t work with your décor, but it’s comfortable and well-built, and you can’t bring yourself to get rid of it because it’s a family heirloom. That’s where Raleigh Fabric and Design can help.
Ellen Baker opened Raleigh Fabric and Design in early 2020. She was working in real estate when a client who was moving overseas asked her to help sell some furniture that she couldn’t take with her. “I started a little storefront and called it The Little Red Hen,” Ellen says. “More people asked me to sell things for them, and eventually, I moved the store into the lower level of a fabric store.” She enjoyed learning about fabrics and upholstery, so when the owners put the store up for sale, Ellen decided to buy it.
“We opened on January 20, 2020, and about six weeks later, we had to close because of the pandemic,” Ellen says. “Then the National Guard called to see if we had a particular fabric they needed for masks. We had the right fabric, so that became our focus for the next few weeks.”
The pandemic inspired many people who were spending more time at home to renovate, and that included looking at some pieces of furniture that could use a new life. “People realized they could reupholster an old chair or sofa, and then they decided to replace their drapes, so the pandemic really jumpstarted our business,” Ellen says. “And that trend has continued as the demand is still really high for our services.” Those services include reupholstery of chairs and sofas, custom sewing of draperies, bedding, and indoor and outdoor cushions, as well as custom monograms. Patrons can choose from a large selection of fabrics and trims.
Ellen is enthusiastic about her work and especially enjoys seeing the “before” and “after” reactions when an old piece has been restored. “People come in with a project that looks horrible and could be a candidate for the dump, but it’s a family heirloom,” Ellen says. “It’s fun to help people who aren’t sure if they should reupholster or get something new. I tell them that they will save by recovering an older piece. Plus, they already know it fits their space, and most of the time, older furniture is built better. All they have to do is choose a fabric that fits their décor, and we take care of the rest. The next time they see their piece completely redone, they are so thrilled.”
Ellen was with a large bank but was looking for a smaller bank that was customer-centered. “I came over to Towne, and now Vita Schumacher, who was my contact at my old bank, is the branch manager at TowneBank on Glenwood Avenue. It has been a great fit.”
To learn more about Raleigh Fabric and Design and to see examples of the variety of fabrics they have, visit Facebook.com/RaleighFabric2020.