Cool Ways to Save Money this Summer

Budgeting Tips

Summer is here! You know, that brief and refreshing time to enjoy warm weather, longer days, and some much-deserved time off from work. It doesn't, however, have to be a time to spend more money.

Yup, there are actually some pretty cool and creative ways to make your money go further this summer. Let's take a look:

1. Get some fresh (free) air. There's nothing like getting a much-needed break from expensive electric bills. To keep your house cool and avoid costly AC bills, use fans, open windows when it's not too humid, and close shades or curtains.

2. Grill out. Take advantage of the warm weather and avoid the cost of going out to dinner with a backyard BBQ.

3. Take advantage of free events. Why pay to go to the theater or concert when you can capitalize on free concerts, fairs, and other events in your city or town?

4. Ride your bike. Reduce fuel costs by taking your bike to run errands and visit local friends.

5. Plan a staycation. Who says you have to leave home to get a break? You can plan a staycation with day trips to avoid paying for hotels and airfare. You can even enjoy camping out under the stars – right from your backyard.

6. Put your gym membership on hold. Instead of paying gym fees, exercise outside with a run, brisk walk, bike ride, game of tennis, or other outdoor activity.

7. Hang your laundry on the line. You'll save energy and avoid dryer lint.

8. Plant a garden. Instead of paying for vegetables at the store, grow your own in a garden.

9. Visit yard sales. Summer is a great time for yard sales and finding bargains on the things you need.

10. Host a garage sale. Speaking of summer sales, a yard or garage sale is a great way to get rid of the things you don't need and make some money.

11. Start a side hustle. Is there an unmet need in your neighborhood, such as neighbors who need help with their pets, lawn, or kids? Consider starting a side business.

12. Have a spending holiday. Even credit cards deserve a break. Try to have one day a week where you don't use them or spend any money.

13. Reduce your subscriptions. In the summer you'll likely spend more time outside and less time watching TV, so cancel one of your streaming services.

14. Pack up some snacks. Planning a trip to the beach or a concert? Instead of paying for overpriced food, pack your own snacks and drinks.

15. Visit the beach or a local pool. Beat the heat and cool your spending by visiting your local beach or pool. You'll save money on gas and parking fees.

Make the most of summer! Stay financially cool with these money-saving tips.


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